We build portfolios based on the latest portfolio management research, which shows that the type of security you choose has little impact on your return.
Investment approach
In fact, more than 90% of returns come from being exposed to a variety of asset classes. That’s why LM3 focuses on asset class allocation, to ensure you’re your portfolio is invested in a range of markets while remaining well diversified within a given market. Our goal is to balance risk and reward.
We determine your optimal level of exposure to each market by analyzing a number of external studies while taking into account economic and market conditions.
Depending on asset amounts and taxation factors, we build portfolios with the best Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) or direct holdings, depending on the scope of the objective. We favour top-performing products, including some by Vanguard, BlackRock, Horizons and BMO Global Asset Management. In market segments where there are no competitive ETFs, we favour holding securities directly, for example through municipal bonds.
At LM3, we offer advice with zero conflict of interest. We only earn what you pay us directly. There are no pooled in-house funds or commission-based products.
At LM3, you see significant savings by paying some of the lowest management fees in Canada. Other financial firms often charge high fees or hidden costs for in-house products. Want to know how much you’re actually paying? Give us a call!
You receive an annual report detailing all your returns and fees paid, and we make sure you understand your investments.
LM3’s founders have over 40 years of combined experience in financial markets, backed by a solid education and professional training. Their recommendations are based on industry best practices and current investment knowledge, and they aim to achieve the best after-tax and net-of-fee returns for a given risk level.
Your assets are held at National Bank Independent Network (NBIN), a division of National Bank Financial (NBF). LM3 manages your investments by giving instructions to NBF but does not hold your assets. You benefit from the financial strength of a large institution while receiving advice from an independent firm. NBF is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.
It all starts with setting clear goals. We begin by getting to know you and your financial needs. This helps us design the best investment strategy for you by telling us your risk level and the type of returns you expect. Taxation also plays an important role in our analysis to minimize taxes on your investment returns. We study multiple legal structures, such as management companies and family trusts, to see whether they are right you.
Based on your individual situation, we look at all investments to find the best ones to build your portfolio, from preferred shares to ETFs to bonds and more.
We also review your portfolio regularly to ensure that it continues to meet your goals and to verify whether your situation has changed.
Fully independent investment solutions for maximum return.
With LM3, you see significant savings by paying some of the lowest management fees in Canada. You’ve probably heard this before, but what our competitors don’t tell you is that they have their own hidden agenda: pushing their own products, resulting in meager returns or high fees for you.
- Over 38 years of combined experience in the financial industry
- Assets are held by National Bank Financial
- LM3 is registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
- Absolute transparency: Our reports are clear, and we are always available to talk to our clients